2007-2012,博士, 纳米物理学, 华东师范大学
2009-2011,联合培养博士,自然科学, 南澳大利亚大学
2003-2007,本科, 电子科学与技术, 华东师范大学
2020-至今,教授, 光伏材料重点实验室, 宁夏大学
2014-2020,副教授, 光伏材料重点实验室, 宁夏大学
2014-2015,研究员, 工业产品设计系, 新加坡科技设计大学
2012-2013,博士后, 自然科学与建筑系, 南澳大利亚大学
2012-2014,讲师, 光伏材料重点实验室, 宁夏大学
《Current Nanoscience》和《Electronic Materials》期刊编委;
《Journal of the American Chemical Society》、《ACS Applied Materials & Interface》、 《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》、《Environmental Science and Technology》、《Water Research》、《Separation and Purification Technology》、《Desalination》等期刊审稿人。
1.纳米材料制备: 碳纳米管、石墨烯、介孔炭、化学气相沉积、磁控溅射
1. 2020年第二届宁夏“创新争先奖”
2. 2020年度宁夏大学优秀研究生指导教师
3. RSC Excellence Award Winner in 2020 Scientific Paper Communication Contest
4. 2019年宁夏科技进步二等奖
5. 2018年第十六届宁夏青年科技奖
6. 2017年宁夏大学优秀科研工作者
7. 2017年宁夏第二届青年科技人才托举工程入选者
8. 2017年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划优秀奖指导教师
9. 2016年中华全国归国华侨联合会“创新人才奖”
10. 2016年宁夏回族自治区人民政府“海外引才百人计划”
迄今为止,发表英文专著1本,国际学术论文90余篇,H因子32,ESI高被引论文16篇,论文引用总次数4800余次;申请中国发明专利16项、美国发明专利1项(Web of Science Research ID: F-6644-2017)。

1. Chao Xu, Haibo Li*, Engineering of porous graphene oxide membranes for solar steam generation with improved Efficiency, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2022, 8, 249 (Front Cover Paper)
2. Wei Wang, Zhenzhen Liu, Zehao Zhang, Haibo Li*, Highly efficient capacitive deionization enabled by NiCo4MnO8.5 Electrodes, Global Challenges, 2022, 6(2): 2100095
3. Jingyu Chen, Zehao Zhang, Haibo Li*, Insights into the enhanced Lithium-Ion storage performance of CoSx/Carbon polyhedron hybrid anode, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2022, 911:116203
4. Kailiang Ming, Zehao Zhang, Haibo Li*, In situ growth of NaTiO2 nanotubes on Ti3C2Fx for enhanced sodium ion batteries, Materials Letters, 2022, 309: 131457
5. Zhenzhen Liu, Haibo Li*, Exploration of the exceptional capacitive deionization performance of CoMn2O4 microspheres electrode, Energy & Environmental Materials, 2021, 0: 1-10
6. Wei Si, Haibo L*i, Understanding the enhanced capacitive desalination performance of spherical ZnCo2O4 electrode, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, 2100125, (Outside Front Cover Paper)
7. Zehao Zhang, Qiuzhi Huang, Wei Ma, Haibo Li*, Interfacial engineering of polyhedral carbon@hollowed carbon@SiO2 nanobox with tunable structure for enhanced lithium ion battery, Applied Surface Science, 2021, 538(1): 148039
8. Wei Si, Zhenzhen Liu, Zehao Zhang, Wenxin Ji and Haibo Li, Engineering of 3D NaxCoO2 nanostructures for enhanced capacitive deionization: performance and mechanism, Environmental Science: Nano, 2021, 8: 657-665, (Inside Front Cover Paper)
9. Zehao Zhang, Haibo Li*, Promoting the uptake of chloride ions by ZnCo-Cl layered double hydroxide electrodes for enhanced capacitive deionization, Environmental Science: Nano, 2021, 8: 1886-1895 (Outside Front Cover Paper)
10. Zhengyao Sun , Zehao Zhang , Haibo Li*, Templated synthesis of nano-LiCoO2 cathode for lithium-Ion batteries with enhanced rate capability, Materials Letters, 2021, 303: 130570
11. Youjun Lu*, Yingjie Du and Haibo Li*, Template-sacrificing synthesis of Ni-Co layered double hydroxides polyhedron as advanced anode for lithium ions battery, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2021, 8: 581653
12. Mingxuan Guo, Haibo Li*, The hydrolyzed Mil-88B(Fe) with improved surface area for high-capacity lithium ion battery, Frontiers in Energy Research, 2021, 9:781008
13. 席文,李海波*, TiO2/Ti3C2Tx 复合材料的制备及其杂化电容脱盐特性的研究,无机材料学报,2021, 36(3): 284-291
14. Zhenzhen Liu, Xu Shang, Haibo Li*, Yong Liu*, A brief review on high performance capacitive deionization enabled by intercalation electrodes, Global Challenge, 2021, 5(1): 2000054
15. Xu Shang, Zhenzhen Liu, Wenxin Ji, Haibo Li*, Synthesis of lithium vanadate/reduced graphene oxide with strong coupling for enhanced capacitive extraction of lithium ions, Separation and Purifications Technology, 2021, 262: 118294
16. Zhuo Chen, Haibo Li*, A novel phosphatizing strategy to engineering CoO/Co1.94P@carbon polyhedron heterostructures for enhanced lithium-ion battery, Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56(4): 3346-3353
17. Zehao Zhang, Haibo Li*, Designing hollowed carbon@Si cubic nanobox@reduced graphene oxide nanostructures for lithiumion battery with high capacity and long cyclic stability, Functional Materials Letters, 2020, 13(8): 2050042-9 (Cover Paper)
18. Yingjie Du, Wei Ma, Haibo Li*, In-situ Growth of CoP3/Carbon Polyhedron/CoO/NF Nano-arrays as Binder-free Anode for Lithium-ion Batteries with Enhanced Specific Capacity, Small, 2020, 16: 1907468-8. (Back Cover Paper)
19. Haibo Li*, Zhuo Chen, A facile strategy to prepare NiCoP nanoparticles wrapped in nitrogen doped porous carbon spheres for high-performance lithium-ion battery, Materials Letters, 2020, 269: 127648
20. Wen Xi, Haibo Li*, Vertically-aligned growth of CuAl-layered double oxides on reduced graphene oxide for hybrid capacitive deionization with superior performance. Environmental Science: Nano, 2020, 7: 764 (Inside Front Cover Paper)
21. Zhuo Chen, Haibo Li*, The improved anode performance enabled by Ni2P@C embedded in echinus-like porous carbon for lithium-ion battery, Nanotechnology, 2020, 31(2020), 515405 (6 pp)
22. Zhenzhen Liu, Wei Ma, Haibo Li*, Elucidating the capacitive desalination behavior of NaxCoO2: the significance of electrochemical pre-activation, Nanoscale, 2020, 12: 7586-7894 (Back Cover Paper)
23. Zehao Zhang, Haibo Li*, Sequential-template synthesis of hollowed carbon polyhedron@SiC@Si for lithium-ion battery with high capacity and electrochemical stability. Applied Surface Science, 514 (2020) 145920
24. Zhuo Chen, Haibo Li*, The lithium ions storage behavior of heteroatom-mediated echinus-like porous carbon spheres: From co-doping to multi-atom doping. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 567 (2020) 54–64
25. Zhenzhen Liu, Wen Xi, Haibo Li*, The feasibility of hollow echinus-like NiCo2O4 nanocrystals for hybrid capacitive deionization. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2020, 6, 283-289
26. Zehao Zhang, Yingjie Du, Haibo Li*, Engineering of a bowl-like Si@rGO architecture for an improved lithium ion battery via a synergistic effect. Nanotechnology, 31 (2020) 095402 (7pp)
27. Qi Feng, Yingjie Du, Sen Liang, Haibo Li*, Reduced graphene oxide supported quasi two-dimensional ZnCo2O4 nanosheets for lithium ion batteries with high electrochemical stability. Nanotechnology, 31 (2020) 045402 (9pp)
28. Zhenzhen Liu, Zhishuai Yue, Haibo Li*, Na0.71CoO2 promoted sodium uptake via faradaic reaction for highly efficient capacitive deionization. Separation and Purification Technology, 234 (2020) 116090.
29. Wen Xi, Haibo Li*, Pseudo-capacitive deionization behaviour of CuAl-mixed metal oxides, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2020, 6, 296 (Front Cover Paper)
30. Yuan Meng, Haibo Li*, Improving the water transpiration in a solar steam generation device. Water Supply, 20(2020) 59-64
31. Tie Gao, Zhenzhen Liu, Haibo Li*, Heteroatom doping modified hierarchical mesoporous carbon derived fromZIF-8 for capacitive deionization with enhanced salt removal rate. Separation and Purification Technology, 231 (2020) 115918.
32. Zhishuai Yue, Tie Gao, Haibo Li*, Robust synthesis of carbon@Na4Ti9O20 core-shell nanotubes for hybrid capacitive deionization with enhanced performance. Desalination, 449 (2019) 69-77.
33. Zhuo Chen, Yingjie Du, Zehao Zhang, Tie Gao and Haibo Li*, A facile strategy to prepare (N, Ni, P) tri-doped echinus-like porous carbon spheres as advanced anode for lithium ion batteries. Nanotechnology, 30 (2019) 495403 (8pp)
34. Yingjie Du, Haibo Li*, Construction of 3D nanoarchitectural porous carbon supported carbon nanotubes@CoP with enhanced lithium ions storage performance. Chemical Physics Letters, 732 (2019) 136633
35. Zhishuai Yue, Yulong Ma, Jiawei Zhang, Haibo Li*, Pseudo-capacitive Behavior Induced Dual-ion Hybrid Deionization System Based on Ag@rGO‖Na1.1V3O7.9@rGO. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 16892 - 16901
36. Yuan Meng, Haibo Li*, Rational design of reduced graphene oxide film for solar thermal desalination. Water Supply, 19(2019) 1704-1710
37. Tie Gao, Yingjie Du, Haibo Li*, Preparation of nitrogen-doped graphitic porous carbon towards capacitive deionization with high adsorption capacity and rate capability. Separation and Purification Technology, 211 (2019) 233-241.
38. Tie Gao, Haibo Li*, Feng Zhou, Mangmang Gao, Sen Liang, Min Luo, Mesoporous carbon derived from ZIF-8 for high efficient electrosorption. Desalination, 451 (2019)133-138.
39. Tie Gao, Haibo Li*, Rational synthesis of graphitic porous carbon with high content nitrogen doping via ultra-fast pyrolysis of ZIF-8 for electrochemical capacitor with enhanced performance. Functional Materials Letters, 2019, 12(6) 1951004 (6 pages).
40. Yingjie Du, Tie Gao, Wei Ma, Haibo Li*, Capacity fading of nanoporous carbon electrode derived from ZIF-8 during insertion-desertion of lithium ions. Chemical Physics Letters, 712 (2018) 7-12.
41. Yingjie Du, Hu Ma, Mingxuan Guo, Tie Gao, Haibo Li*, Random oriented hexagonal nickel hydroxide nanoplates grown on graphene as binder free anode for lithium ion battery with high capacity. Chemical Physics Letters, 699 (2018) 167-170.
42. Feng Zhou, Tie Gao, Min Luo, Haibo Li*, Heterostructured graphene@Na4Ti9O20 nanotubes for asymmetrical capacitive deionization with ultrahigh desalination capacity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 343 (2018) 8-15.
43. Tie Gao, Feng Zhou, Wei Ma, Haibo Li*, Metal-organic-framework derived carbon polyhedron and carbon nanotube hybrids as electrodes for electrochemical supercapacitor and capacitive deionization. Electrochimica Acta, 263 (2018) 85-93.
44. Minxuan Guo, Tie Gao, Hu Ma, Haibo Li*, Weaving ZIF-67 by employing carbon nanotubes to constitute hybrid anode for lithium ions battery. Materials Letters, 212 (2018) 143-146
45. Feng Zhou, Tie Gao, Min Luo, Haibo Li*, Preferential electrosorption of anions by C/Na0.7MnO2 asymmetrical electrodes. Separation and Purification Technology, 191(2018) 322-327.